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Job Listings
Type any part of the Job Title, Job Type, or Job Location to Search
Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
High School PE Weightlifting Instructor01/24/2025CertifiedNickerson High SchoolApply
NHS Head Football Coach01/24/2025CoachingNickerson High SchoolApply
7th Grade Math Teacher01/14/2025CertifiedReno Valley Middle SchoolApply
SHE PK-6 Vocal Music Teacher01/14/2025CertifiedSouth Hutchinson Elementary SchoolApply
HVAC Building Maintenance01/13/2025MaintenanceMaintenance Dept.Apply
SHE Para/Classroom Aide01/13/2025Classified ParaSouth Hutchinson Elementary SchoolApply
Administrative Assistant to Student Services01/09/2025ClassifiedNickerson High SchoolApply
Director of Maintenance01/09/2025MaintenanceMaintenance Dept.Apply
Custodian Full Time Evening12/20/2024MaintenanceNickerson High SchoolApply
SHE Para/Classroom Aide12/11/2024Classified ParaSouth Hutchinson Elementary SchoolApply
SHE Little Panthers Childcare Provider12/06/2024ClassifiedSouth Hutchinson Elementary SchoolApply
NHS Asst. Track Coaching12/03/2024CoachingNickerson High SchoolApply
High School Science11/26/2024CertifiedNickerson High SchoolApply
High School English Teacher11/13/2024CertifiedNickerson High SchoolApply
Bus Driver10/02/2024TransportationBus BarnApply
SHE/NES Little Panthers Childcare Provider Sub09/16/2024ClassifiedUSD 309 SchoolsApply
NHS Asst. Baseball Coach08/17/2024CoachingNickerson High SchoolApply
RVMS Interrelated Para/Classroom Aide08/09/2024Classified ParaReno Valley Middle SchoolApply
NHS Asst. Girls Basketball Coaching04/16/2024CoachingNickerson High SchoolApply
Substitute Bus Driver03/26/2024TransportationBus BarnApply
NHS Asst. Boys Golf Coach02/21/2024CoachingNickerson High SchoolApply
Substitute Teacher08/09/2021SubstituteUSD 309 SchoolsApply